Modern realities show that the problem of corruption today has become one of the most actual problems of nation building and social control, its decision is not only a national problem but also of the international level. It should be understood that the state, struck by the corruption consciousness, declaratively upholds constitutional values of humanism, democracy, the rule of law and social justice. Understanding of it means that anti-corruption measures must be scientifically justified, timely and adequate, politically and socially balanced, well-organized. Research experience shows that only a systematic approach to the study of corruption problems could be the basis for the scientific substantiation of the concept of anti-corruption, establishing boundaries and limits of state intervention in the private and public spheres, finding the optimal combination of legal and extralegal influence in the implementation of anti-corruption measures. The article is devoted to the scientific understanding of the conceptual bases of anti-corruption policy and The main components of the Russian anti-corruption policy are analyzed and evaluated, as well as the problems of the implementation of anti-corruption in the modern Russian society are examined.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, stages of anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption monitoring, prediction of anti-corruption, anti-corruption issues
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