Russian Federation
Analyzing the place and role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the institutional system of national and supranational jurisdictions, there is the author’s approach to the study of this institution in particular through the prism of the so-called constitutional paradoxes (“godly sins”) of the constitutional justice. Among them: legal involvement of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the resolution of important constitutional questions at the intersection of law and policy; entering into the system of justice and at the same time transcending it as the trial of the government and the law; the legal force of the final acts, which are not laws, can be above the law; the stability of the Constitution in conjunction with socio-historical dynamism, the problems of guaranteeing its supremacy in collaboration with supranational jurisdiction, the need to ensure by the constitutional justice of the Constitutions’ supremacy in collaboration with the international-legal regulation and supranational jurisdictional practices. The article explains that the status characteristics of the national organs of constitutional justice, manifested in the contemporary world order and in relations with bodies of international jurisdiction, have a constitutional good nature and serve as a confirmation of the special role of these bodies in the justice system in modern constitutional democracies.
Constitution, Constitutional Court, justice, separation of powers, human rights, national and supranational jurisdiction.
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