The article describes the reasons leading to the use of project management mechanism, taking into account the Russian realities. The reforms must be carried out within a clear time frame and achieve certain results, and for this it is necessary to use new methods of management and government regulation. The project approach allows to eliminate unnecessary to accomplish the goal of the process than enables resource savings, ensures cooperation among the various departments and makes the results and timing more predictable by drawing up the plan, broken into stages that ultimately enables better quality control every step and track the dynamics of the project. Project management due to its effectiveness in the future will increasingly be implemented in the various fields of activity. This technology is the organization of activities on the basis of algorithm design and implementation of specific interrelated projects designed to achieve a specific result, which determines the consistency and rationality of the processes. On the basis of the research the author found that the implementation of project management in the executive branch can improve the efficiency of solving tasks, optimally allocate the time, human and material resources.
project management, governance, economic policy
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