Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring economic security is a guarantee of the independence of the country; the condition of stability and effectiveness of life of the society, to achieve success. Therefore, economic security is one of the most important national priorities. At the present stage of the development of Russia there are objectively external and internal threats to the economic security of the state. The greatest danger to Russia is its internal threats. Having a place and remaining internal threats to Russian economic security makes it vulnerable to external influence. Crime in the economy today is one of the manifestations of economic threats in Russia. Economic crime stands today as the most powerful negative factor that undermines economic and, as a consequence, national security. Economic crime occurs in areas where there is the opportunity to compete with the legal economy. The crime in this area causes more economic harm to a citizen, society and state than any other kinds of criminal acts.

national security, economic security, external threats, internal threats, economic crime

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