The article considers the problems of ensuring international and national security in the ХХI century. The authors examine the influence of the process of militarization of world politics on international relations in the post-bipolar world. Political content of militarism and its typical characteristics and forms of external expression are specified. The nature of the changes in policy of militarism of world powers in the context of globalization and postbipolarity is determined. The authors conclude that the specificity of transformation of militarism in the era of globalization is that the phenomenon acquires a transnational character. The militarization connects the previous disparate subjects of international relations and contributes to the beginning of the escalation of violence in various countries and regions of the world. The conclusion about the need for understanding the impact of the ideology and practice of militarism in the political sphere of international relations and implementation of foreign policy strategies of global and regional powers is made. The necessity of formulation of priorities of countering the militarization of international relations of the Russian Federation is substantiated.
world politics, post-bipolar world, globalization, militarism, militarization, national security, national interests, armed conflict
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