Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the place and role of the Institute of national anti-corruption planning in the context of the overall state strategy to combat corruption and abuse are defined; the goals, objectives and priorities of the new national anti-corruption plan are analyzed and appropriately systematized. The logic of the development of anti-corruption powers of government authorities, political, legal, economic and scientific initiatives of the state in the field of combating corruption crime in the conditions of crisis development of the society is examined. Some issues are believed to pay special attention not only in terms of scientific analysis, but in the process of practical implementation of the planned anti-corruption activities. This concerns primarily the issues of increasing the responsibility of officials of the public power apparatus, the fight against elite corruption, acceleration of processes of de-offshoring of the economy, restoring order in the organization of procurement for state and municipal needs, de-bureaucratization of management, improving legal, political and administrative corruption mechanisms.

state policy of counteraction of corruption, de-bureaucratization, de-offshorization, corruption, elite corruption, systemic corruption, corruption offence, national plan of counteraction of corruption, moral foundations to official relations, legal mechanism of counteraction of corruption

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