Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of modified SMILE surgery for mild myopia. Methods: The study involved 68patients (135eyes), operated by SMILE methods for mild myopia. The first group included patients operated by standard technology with a 15μm thickness of neural optical lenticular layer, the second group – patients, operated by a modified SMILE technology monolayer with thickness of 30μm. A comprehensive ophthalmology examination was performed before the surgery and after the surgical treatment – on the following day, in one month and in 12 months. Results: In all patients of both groups the monocular uncorrected visual acuity after the operation after the period of one day, one month, and a year did not differ and made 0.88±0.15, 0.92±0.1 and 0.95±0.08 respectively, for the second group – 0.87±0.18, 0.92±0.15 and 0.96±0.10 (p≥0.05). Follow-up in the early and late postoperative period convincingly demonstrated that visual acuity, refraction, spatial sensitivity, corneal hysteresis indices and even a subjective assessment of visual quality have no statistically significant differences among patients in both groups. During the operation and late postoperative period the complications were not noted. Conclusion: the study found that the modified technology provides high visual acuity, while minimally changing the biomechanical properties of the cornea. Thus, a modified SMILE operation is highly predictable and safe method in correction of slight degree myopia

mild myopia, femtosecond laser, SMILE, cornea

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