The purpose of the study was to compare the efficacy of Ex-Press and Ahmed drainage devices for the secondary neo-vascular glaucoma (NVG) in patients with diabetes mellitus. We observed 25patients (25eyes) with secondary NVG in the setting of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The first group consisted of 10patients (10eyes) who underwent Ex-Press drainage implantation. The second group consisted of 15patients (15eyes) who were implanted Ahmed valve FP7 model. As a result the maximum value of IOP in the analyzed groups decreased by 66.8% and 64.2% respectively immediately after the surgery. By the end of 18months follow-up period, the absolute hypotensive effect in patients of group1 was 20% (2/10) whereas in group2 – 60% (9/15). Normal intraocular tension during treatment with glaucoma medications established in 30% of cases in group1 (3/10) and in 80% of patients in group2 (12/15). Thus, the use of Ex-Press drainage device for secondary NVG in patients with diabetes was ineffective in 70% of cases. We can recommend choosing implantation of Ahmed valve for secondary NVG in patients with diabetes mellitus as the number of unsuccessful outcomes using Ahmed valve was observed only in 20% of cases.
Ex-Press, Ahmed glaucoma valve
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