The article is devoted to increasing the effectiveness of full-time corporate training. In the conditions of informa- tional society the objective need of corporations in the modern staff training based on the principles of continuing education, faces with the need to overcome the several difficulties of the traditional face-to-face corporate training. The need to improve the full-time corporate training, the effectiveness of which is one of the factors ensuring sustainable economic growth of the country makes an important and timely search of pedagogical tool, which allows, without increasing the frequency and duration of face-to-face classes, to ensure continuity of the learn- ing process, to increase the relevance and improve the quality of learning in terms of psychologically comfortable learning environment. The article substantiates the choice of the online support tool for improving professional training of specialists in the system of corporate training. Internet support is naturally integrated into the existing system of full-time training as well as improves and develops it. The opportunities provided by the Internet support of the learning process in full-time corporate training can be used in order to improve the efficiency of formation of information-theoretical and experimental component of professional competence of experts. The modular aproach allows using the same modules as elements of several training programs, developing similar competence. The results are the formation of the environment and the process of active teaching and learning on the basis of constantly updated resources, the natural motivation of students to active learning, the increasing level of assimi- lation of educational material. The article shows that the inclusion of Internet support in the process of full-time corporate training contributes to the psychological comfort of learning and satisfaction with the results, a positive effect on the level of professional competence of students.
professional training, training, full-time education, classroom training, Internet support, corporate training, e-learning
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