Russian Federation
Modern trends in Cybercrime in the criminal legislation of Russia and foreign countries are so multifaceted that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between acts that directly violate information security, and invasions associated with computer technology in which the use of computer information systems is only one of the ways committing a crime. It is supported by the analytical material based on the study of criminal law engineered in the legislation of the UK, Australia, the USA, Germany and the CIS countries in view of the characteristic of illegal access to information technologies and (or) the misuse of information and telecommunication networks. Carried out in this article a comparative analyzes of the different criminal law as concentrated in one group, taking into account the identity of the object of the offence and “dissolved” in the structure of other criminal law provisions reveal the real “picture” of trends in the sphere of combating Cybercrime (against the constitutional rights and freedoms, property, area of economic activity, against public health and public morality, constitutional order and security of the state).
combating, Cybercrime, computer crime, theft, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, computer information, information technology, information and telecommunications network, unauthorized access, modification information, block information.
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