Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper practical and theoretical questions of integration in health care, problems of integration making policy of reforming of health care, as conditions for globalization are considered. This paper presents experience and the revealed regularities and integration tendencies in activity of separate sectors of health care and insurance. The methods of statistical processing, sociological expert opinions, logical and a content - the analysis of literature and official reports of Ministry of Health and funds of obligatory medical insurance are applied. Some starting signs of creation of the integrated health system are revealed. Priorities for groups of the population and diseases which distract high expenses on health care are defined; interdisciplinary character of the organization of work of medical shots, integration of primary and specialized medical care, etc. are planned. Integration processes are represented as multilevel modernization of health systems of one or several states, as answer to a worsening condition of public health: chronic diseases, population ageing, relative uniformity of external risk factors for health. It is offered to consider integration in health care in aspect of improvement of external and internal process of functioning and management of the medical organizations, funds of obligatory medical insurance. The conclusions emphasize the optimization of structural and functional basis of the activity of the organizations of health care and health insurance, the importance of the development strategy for integration in the health of society.

health care, integration, modernization, globalization, innovation, medical insurance

Введение. Модернизация в здравоохранении любой страны, как процесс улучшения (совершенствования) лечебно-профилактической помощи населению, происходит постоянно. Если коснуться оценки различных временных и типовых видов совершенствования здравоохранения России, то становится очевидным, что они затрагивали отдельные виды, структуры или функции здравоохранения. От недооценки системного подхода происходило снижение ожидаемых результатов и эффективности предпринимаемых мероприятий. Причины таких явлений, по нашим


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