The paper considers the so called “hidden renvoi” in international private law, based on the comparative study of Russian and German literature and judicial practice. The purpose of this article is to identify hidden renvoi as an effective mechanism of application of conflict of law rules in order to state the applicable law. Hidden renvoi has never been studied specifically in Russian literature thus it can be said that the author introduces the term “hidden renvoi” for scientific usage in Russia. The author used the following general and specific scientific methods: logical method, analysis, comparative method, technical method, linguistic method etc. Hidden renvoi is a legal phenomenon that combines the aspects of civil procedure and conflict of laws rules: the applicable law is defined by court using the competence rules of foreign state. This mechanism can be applied and used in the judicial practice in Russia since it does not require any prior serious amendments to legislation. However, the ambiguousness and the disputable character of hidden renvoi determines the necessity of further study of this legal institute.
International private law, renvoi, Anglo-American law, German law, conflict of laws.
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