Rubrics: REVIEW
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Abstract (English):
Currently worldwide chemical burns of the esophagus rank first among all diseases of the esophagus in children and second in adults. Because of commonly accepted algorithms of rendering of medical aid in case of chemical burns of the esophagus in the prehospital and hospital stages (washing of the esophagus and the stomach, adequate anesthesia, corticosteroid, antibiotic therapy, the group of antacids and symptomatic treatment), the choice of drug and method of local impact on the surface of chemical burn of the esophagus remain an urgent problem. The lack of standardized approach in treatment of local changes in chemical burns of the esophagus, severe and unsatisfactory results of using medication algorithms inspire a search for alternative methods of treatment and drug development. Herbal remedies are comparable in effectiveness, but also have the combined multivalent effect on the entire body, causing minimum of side effects. Basing on the literature review, we have come to a conclusion that the most balanced composition of biologically active substances and a positive influence on the basic pathogenesis of esophageal chemical burns has Calendula officinalis. Features and scope of Calendula officinalis are not fully understood. The creation of a multidrug for the local treatment chemical burns of the esophagus based on this herb proves to be very promising.

chemical burns of the esophagus, Calendula officinalis

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