Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the comparative study of the effect of lead intoxication in healthy animals and in terms of mod-elled hyperlipidemic condition on lipid metabolism, ECG performance, behavior in the test of the extrapolation of deliverance. The study was performed on 40 albino outbred adult male rats. Modeling hyperlipidemic condition was carried out daily by feeding natural unsalted fat at the rate of 8 grams per animal for 16 days. Lead intoxication was created after the atherogenic diet by adding lead acetate into drinking water in a dose of 50mg/kg of body weight for 4weeks. To investigate the lipid metabolism was measured in serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL choles-terol, LDL cholesterol. In the test of extrapolation deliverance 70% of animals with lead intoxication on the lipid load background did not cope with the task versus 40% of albino rats in the group with lead acetate exposure alone. All control animals successfully solved the problem of the deliverance test. The deterioration of the functioning of the car-diovascular system of rats with lead poisoning on the background of atherogenic diet was manifested by elongation of intraventricular conduction intervals on an electrocardiogram as compared with animals with lead intoxication alone. Disorders of lipid metabolism were manifested by increased levels of LDL cholesterol in rats with lead intoxication on the background of hyperlipidemia to 0.86 (0.69–1.14)mmol/l compared with the value of 0.67(0.58–0.79)mmol/l in animals with lead intoxication.

lead, hyperlipidemia, electrocardiography, behavior, rats

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