Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work was to estimate a wound-healing effect of soft drug products from the Pentaphylloides fruticosa L. shoots on the model of planar skin-fascial wound. The liniment was developed with the use of the NanoDeBee 30 device and the ointment was developed with the use of pharmaceutical technology. Experiments were carried out on white male Wistar rats. The skin injury was simulated by inflicting planar wounds 2.0×2.0 cm in size. The 5%-liniment and 5% ointment from P. fruticosa were put on the wounds of the first and second experimental groups respectively. In the third group the wounds were treated with glycerin-vaseline ointment. Bioptate of the wound surface was taken on the 7th, 14th and 21st day. Histological preparations were studied using standard methods. Cell elements of the first group animals were displayed as fibroblasts and fibrocytes; it was noted high level of collagen organization that testified the effective staging of the wound process in this case. The amount of fibrocytes and fibroblasts and ratio between juvenile and mature forms of collagen-producing cells vary in the first and second groups. Biopsy material obtained from the animals of the third group only on the 21st day corresponded to the picture observed in animals of the 1st group on the 14th day. The findings of the study verify that the use of the product obtained on NanoDeBee device provides the earlier forming of the scar as compared with the ointment developed using pharmaceutical technology.

Pentaphylloides fruticosaL. sprouts, liniment, ointment, wound process

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