Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A new biological model of moderate inhibition of tumor growth and metastases with prolonged leukopenia on C57Bl/6 mice with the Lewis Lung Carcinoma was designed. The model was created by the injection of cyclophosphamide (dose 83.3mg/kg) on 6th, 12th, 18th days after tumor cells transplantation on animals. Experiment showed that 3-fold cyclo-phosphamide use leads to growth of primary tumor and metastases inhibition. Tumor growth inhibition was 34% on 21st day after cyclophosphamide inject. The number of metastases decreased by 4.7times (p<0,01). Metastatic area reduced. Metastasis frequency made 100%. In addition, the course of cyclophosphamide application caused inhibition of granulocytic and lymphoid hematopoiesis. The reducing the number of segmented neutrophils and lymphocytes was showed on the 3rd day after 1, 2 and 3 injections of cyclophosphamide. The model can be used to study the efficacy of drugs in tumor therapy and in correction of such toxic manifestation of chemotherapy as leukopenia.

experimental model, cyclophosphamide, Lewis lung carcinoma, leukopenia

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