GRNTI 61.01 Общие вопросы химической технологии и химической промышленности
BBK 35 Химическая технология. Химические производства
Asphalt concrete exposed to cracking, flaking, chipping, formation of ruts, waves and troughs. Introduction into a mixture of small size (discrete) components allows achieving their uniform distribution (dispersion) in the mixture and obtain a "composite" material having a high physical and mechanical properties in the finished structural member. Studied technology of composite dispersion-reinforced with basalt fibers asphalt mixtures, taking into account the influence of temperature.
composites manufacturing technology, composite dispersion-reinforced asphalt mixture, fiber, temperature, fiber, composite asphalt concrete production.
1. A. s. 1216012 SSSR, MKI3 V 28 V 13/02. Ustroystvo dlya uplotneniya stroitel´nykh smesey v forme / A. F. Ivanov, A. V. Potapov, N. A. Gornaev, I. V. Mikhaylov (SSSR). - № 3834339 ; zayavl. 30.12.84 ; opubl. 07.03.86, Byul. № 9. -3 s. : il.
2. GOST 9128-2013 Smesi asfal´tobetonnye, aerodromnye i asfal´tobeton. Tekhnicheskie usloviya.
3. GOST 12801-98 Materialy na osnove organicheskikh vyazhushchikh dlya dorozhnogo i aero-dromnogo stroitel´stva. Metody ispytaniy.
4. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po tekhno-logii armirovaniya asfal´tobetonnykh pokrytiy dobavkami bazal´tovykh volokon (fibroy) pri stroitel´stve i remonte avtomobil´nykh dorog (Utverzhdeno rasporyazheniem Rosavtodora № OS-12-r ot 11.01.2002).
5. SNiP 3.06.03-85 Avtomobil´nye dorogi
6. Tekhnologicheskoe obespechenie kachestva stroitel´stva asfal´tobetonnykh pokrytiy. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii - Omsk: SibADI. 2004.
7. Jeff Stempihar, P.E. Fiber Reinforced As-phalt Concrete (FRAC) /Graduate Research Associate, 2010.
8. M. Aren Cleven Investigation of the properties of carbon fiber modified asphalt mixtures / Michigan technological university, 2000.
9. Rebecca Lynn Fitzgerald Novel Applica-tions of Carbon Fiber for Hot Mix. Asphalt Rein-forcement and Carbon-Carbon / Michigan technological university, 2000
10. Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi, Ali Khodaii Carbon fiber reinforced asphalt concrete / Department of Civil Engineering, Tehran, Iran.