Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Peculiarities of hemispheric asymmetry in 59 boys and 39 girls with arterial hypertension (mean age – 15.1 ± 1.5) were studied. The comparison group of healthy children included 60 boys and 37 girls (mean age – 14.9 ± 1.3).The total indicators of sensorimotor asymmetry showed significant deviations in formation of functional hemispheric asymmetry only in the group of boys. At the same time, differences of the asymmetry indicators between main group of girls and the one of comparison were quite moderate and did not reach the level of statistical significance. It is associ-ated with adaptation features of the boys with hypertension to changes of normal functioning of cardiovascular system.

functional hemispheric asymmetry, hypertension, children and adolescents, boys and girls

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