Russian Federation
GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
Experimental studies were conducted in order to determine hydraulic compatibility of repair materials in trenchless renovation of free-flow water outlet pipelines, experimental unit for liquid flow regime investigation during free-flow motion for definition of flow hydraulic element were developed and introduced. It was shown that results of experimental studies allows to receive calculated values of coefficients of relative roughness for three types of polymeric pipes, which can be used as repair materials for pulling in old pipelines. It was observed that during pipelines renewal in such way, it is necessary backfilling of tube space, eliminating formation of polymeric pipelines waviness because of temperature drops and exclusive negative consequences of hydraulics and structural strength
free-flow pipes, trenchless renovation, polymeric pipelines, tube space, surface roughness of pipeline, area of velocity destabilization in pipeline , uniformly retarded motion of liquid, hydraulic compat-ibility, liquid flow velocity in pipeline.
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