Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems and potentialities of innovation system development in the Bryansk region by means of the activation of business and college interaction are analyzed. The topicality of the idea of college transformation into valuable participants of an innovation process which, on the one hand, function as institutions for personnel training with higher professional education, and, on the other hand, - as offices causing a formation, introduction and diffusion of novelty (innovation) is estimated. Furthermore, there are pointed out those branches of economy of a region which have pre-conditions for innovation development with college participation. As a significant tool for an innovation development activation there is considered an intra-elite rotation between three sectors: business, college environment and power. The intra-elite rotation is considered as follows: as the means of balancing authority and liabilities of actors; as a mechanism of elite circulation between actors supposing their development, as increase of their competence; as social-management technology; as an additional mechanism formed according to the principle of a feedback between actors. The intra-elite rotation is considered as one of the urgent and efficient means of innovation economy development in case of the insufficient integration of “triple helix” actors and also a low communication potential of actors.

“triple helix” concept, innovation system, intra-elite rotation, business, power, college, elite circulation, elite
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