Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ultrasound characteristic of thymus gland was studied in 109 mature newborns at the 3-5th days of life. All the examined patients were divided into 4 groups. The first group (control) included 30 healthy newborns of 38-40 weeks from mothers with physiologic course of pregnancy. The second group had 28 newborns whose mothers at early stages of gestation suffered influenza virus А(Н3N2) with antibody titer 1:4-1:16; in the third group there were 26 children of 38-40 weeks from mothers who suffered in the first trimester of pregnancy influenza virus A(H3N2) with antibody titer 1:8-1:32; the fourth group consisted of 25 newborns from mothers who suffered at early stages of gestation influenza virus A(H3N2) with antibody titer 1:32-1:128. The children in the second and the third group in comparison with the first one did not have any changes of organometric parameters of the immune organ. In the newborns of the fourth group the length of the thymus gland decreased till 3.8±0.11 cm, the width till 2.4±0.06 cm, the mass till 8.6±0.53 g and the volume of the organ till 6.0±0.37 sm3. In the first group these parameters were 4.2±0.09 cm (р<0.05), 2.8±0.05 cm (р<0.001), 10.5±0.37 g (р<0.01), 7.4±0.25 sm3 (р<0.01), respectively. This suggests the suppression of organogenesis of thymus in children with antenatal anamnesis burdened with influenza virus А(Н3N2) with antibody titer 1:32-1:128 in their mothers at early stages of gestation

thymus gland, full term newborn, influenza A(H3N2), antibody titers, pregnancy, the first trimester of pregnancy.

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