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Abstract (English):
About 75% of parts after dismantling units delivered for major repairs have residual life sufficient enough and can be reused without restoration or after renewal with costs not exceeding 40…60% of new parts value. One of the most promising methods of welding deposition is plasma-powder retailoring (PPR). The purpose of this work is the application of an electroerosion powder of high-speed steel at the motor car worn-out parts renewal by plasma-powder retailoring. By means of the PPR method there were produced three samples. A metal disk with 6 cm di-ameter made of 30ChGSA steel was a basis. Powder fillers with highly rigid phases and a relatively plastic matrix in their structure are used as material at parts PPR. In such a way such material is powder high-speed steel (PHSS) obtained through the method of electro-erosion dispersion in kerosene. At the solution of problems specified there were used modern test and research methods. The researches carried out allow estimating objectively the possibility of PPR method application for renewal and strengthening work surfaces in parts of motor car engines with the use of powder highspeed steel.

high-speed steel scrap, electroerosion dispersion, powder materials, crankshaft, plasma-powder welding deposition
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