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Abstract (English):
At present time there is a trend of specific power increase in axial-piston hydromachines (APHM) that results in increase, volumetric and mechanical losses loads and servicing characteristics decrease. It requires a corresponding reliability increase in hydromachines of this type. Basic reasons of capacity loss and APHM ser-vicing characteristics decrease are sliding couples: a cylinder block – edge distributor, pistons-cylinders walls. Nonmetallic antifriction materials used for manufacturing coatings of interacting surfaces in parts are considered most promising for manufacturing coat-ings for operation surfaces in parts of friction units of APHM. In connection with the evident topicality of the scientific-practical problem of reliability increase in modern high-dynamic APHMs there was offered a procedure of choice of anti-friction materials, their sliding couples and an algorithm of its realization. The procedure is based on the comparison of performance of antifriction materials used with parameters of an operation mode of friction couples and also power loss for friction and material wear intensity. As basic performances there were assumed maximum contact pressures, temperature and rates of a relative motion of mating surfaces, and as a parameter characterizing material durability, - comparative linear wear intensity. The realization of a procedure for an axial-piston pump with a sloped disk with the capacity of 15 cm3 allowed justifying a purposefulness of the applica-tion for “pistons-cylinder walls” couples of fluoroplas-tic materials, for the rest of couples – hydro-nitration.

reliability, axial-piston hydromachine, friction couples, wear, capacity loss, sliding, materials
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