The creation and introduction of the efficient quality management system (QMS) is impossible without the management realization of its processes, one of key elements in which is designing. And upon that how well is a process designed will the efficiency depend both of the process itself and the whole of the system of interrelated processes a part of which it is. To in-crease the design efficiency of quality management processes the methodology of quality function defini-tion – QFD is offered for use. At the first stage of its realization in processes of quality management it is necessary to determine the demands made to the process under development. For that, in its turn, it is necessary to identify process outlets and basic users of its results. Because of the peculiarities in quality man-agement processes the demands to them should be compiled being guided mainly by corresponding regu-latory documentation regulating both processes outlets and methods of their carrying out. The requirements revealed further with the aid of a matrix diagram are transformed into parameters subjected to the control in the course of a process ful-fillment. At the next stage for the most critical parame-ters of the process there are defined corresponding kinds of management which is also carried out on the basis of a matrix program. Finally, for the kinds of control revealed at the previous stage one selects methods and means of measurements and control which are most suitable to ensure the specified characteristics of reliability taking into account the requirements to economy and control-appropriateness. The application of the procedure described is shown by the example of designing the input control process of paint-and-lacquer materials at an industrial enterprise.
quality management processes, quality function structuring, QFD, input control process, paint-and-lacquer materials
1. Sullivan, L.P. Quality function structuring / Lawrence P. Sullivan // Course to Quality. - 1992. - №3-4. - pp. 156 - 177.
2. Bragin, Yu.V. GFD Course: Design and Manufacturing Products Proceeding from User Hopes / Yu.V.Bragin, V.F.Korolkov. - Yaroslavl: Quality Center, 2003. - pp. 240.
3. Gorlenko, О.А. Quality Management in Production-Technological Systems: textbook / О.А.Gorlenko, V.V.Miroshnikov, N.М.Borbats. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2009. - pp. 312.