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Abstract (English):
The efficiency assessment of methods and means of automated assembly is necessary at the development of means for automated technological operations. As a rule, one uses efficiency indices in design options of automated assembly devices. In the paper there are offered efficiency criteria for methods and means of automated assembly which can be used at the stages of designing assembly devices. The efficiency of an automated parts combination is defined mainly by the indices of carrying out the stages of position adaptation of parts to be connected. As criteria for the comparison of algorithms of combining there are offered characteristics of program trajectories of matching ensured by that or other adaptation way. At the development of a structure chart of the device as a main index is a controllability of the device expressed by the smallest value of the own frequency of the device according to the coordinates of adaptation. At the final stage of the development of design variants of the device as a criterion there is offered the application of the ratio of structural elements rigidity of an adjusting surface to the shown rigidity of a shifting element including also the rigidity of a part to be connected.

part orientation, angular matching, adapting device, automated assembly, efficiency indices
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