After the analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various motives conception (the pregnancy), the authors concluded that only 20% of women are such motives as « pregnancy for a child» and «pregnancy from a loved one to» (positive in relation to the unborn child), which is significantly less (p<0.05) than the predominance of non-structural motifs. In the primaparous women with low anxiety level the most prevalent conception motive was "to comply with social expectations" (75%) and "to preserve own health" (25%). In the primaparous women with high anxiety level the most prevalent motive was "pregnancy for the sake of a child" (65%), and also "to preserve relationship" (25%) and "to preserve health" (10%). In the primaparous women with "nominally normal" anxiety level (for a pregnancy) the most prevalent motives were "pregnancy to preserve relationship" (55%) and "to comply with social expectations" (40%). In the multiparous women the main motives were "to comply with social expectations" (25%) "to preserve relationship with a man» (35%) and "to preserve health" (15%). In summary, according to the obtained data, in the primaparous women with low anxiety level the most prevalent motives were not positive with regard to the expected child (or associated with a beloved spouse), but driven by rational ideas of "compliance" and "health benefit". In contrast, the primaparous women with high anxiety level were frequently more positively motivated with regard to the expected child (i.e. high anxiety level was frequently caused by the worries about the expected child).
conception motives (pregnancy maintenance), anxiety level, primaparous, multiparous, the third trimester of pregnancy
Исследование мотивов зачатия является сложной задачей для врача-психотерапевта или психолога: во-первых, при их изучении, как правило, выявляется не один, а совокупность таких мотивов, что нередко затрудняет выбор среди них основного; во-вторых, большая часть этих мотивов не вполне осознается беременной, и требуется немалый опыт и квалификация исследователя для понимания внутреннего мира конкретной женщины, с которой он проводит клиническое интервью [2, 5]. Так, в исследовании Труш-киной СВ. [6] установлено, что при опросе беременных женщин о мотивах зачатия, они, как правило, называют не один, а три и более мотива. Причем 80% женщин назвали основным мотивом выполнение женского долга («женщина должна иметь детей!»), что свидетельствует о высокой обусловленности социальными
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