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Abstract (English):
We analyzed present-day data in Russian and foreign literature on development of cytokine cascade in diffuse bacterial peritonitis having studied the role of cytokines in forming systemic inflammation response syndrome. It has been showed that cytokines primary regulate local protective response by forming typical inflammatory reaction with its classic local manifestations and natural anti-microbial resistance mechanisms. The main stage in the development of diffuse bacterial peritonitis is a disbalance in the system of proinflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory mediators; and this disbal-ance defines the severity of extraabdominal complications and multisystem organ failure. In the article, the markers of inflammation severity are described assisting in evaluation of the course of inflammation process and postoperative survival rate. Due to changes in immune system of the patients, it is necessary to assess complexly their immune status including cytokine profile, which in this group of patients is of diagnostic and prognostic value and needs to be further studied.

diffuse bacterial peritonitis, pathogenesis, cytokines

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