Institute of Design-Technological Informatics of RAS (Senior scientific assistant)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Development of information technologies creates conditions for use of system of distance learning in technical colleges. Distance learning sets new tasks for which decision methods of artificial intelligence are required, in this case artificial neural networks. In work requirements to system of distance learning are formulated. The architecture of system of distance learning on the basis of the critical analysis of similar systems is developed.
distance learning, information security, artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks.
1. Kabak, I.S. Computer and industrial networks: College textbook / I.S.Kabak. - M.: Stankin, 2010. - 275 p.
2. Kabak, I.S. Implemented through hardware associative memory of any size / I.S. Kabak, N. V. Sukhanova // Bulletin of MSTU "Stankin". - 2010. - No. 1. - pp. 135-139.
3. Neural network: Useful Model Patent No. 66831 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanova N. V. - Bull.; priority 02.04.07. - 3 p.
4. Domain neural network: Useful Model Patent No. 72084 / Kabak I.S, Sukhanova N. V. - Bull.; priority 03.12.07.-3 p.
5. Associative memory: Useful Model Patent No. 77483 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanova N. V. - Bull.; priority 24.12.07. - 3 p.
6. Knowledge control unit: Useful Model Patent No. 80979 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanova N. V. - Bull.; priority 28.12.07. - 3 p.
7. Modular computing system: Useful Model Patent No. 75247 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanova N. V. - Bull.; priority 26.12.08. - 5 p.
8. Multilayered modular computing system: Useful Model Patent No. 2398281 / Solomentsev Yu. M., Sheptunov S.A., I.S. Kabak, Sukhanov N. V. - Bull.; priority 07.11.08. - 5 p.
9. Way of variable key formation for block data encryption : Pat. No. 24593367 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanov N. V., Pozdneev B. N. - published 20.08.12; priority 16.07.10.
10. Way of block message encryption and transmission of encrypted data with the private key: Pat. No. 2481715 / Kabak I.S., Sukhanov N. V., Pozdneev B. N. - published 05.10.13, Bull. No. 13. - 5 p.