Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the analysis of effectiveness of laser vaporization for treatment of pain syndrome caused by lumbar disc herniation. We treated 149patients (average age – 40years). 62(41.7%) patients had lumbodynia, 67(45.2%) patients had lumbar ischialgia. Nerve root disorders (radiculopathy, radiculoneuritis) are found in 20(13.1%)patients. 86(57.4%) patients had median hernias of intervertebral disc (disc bulging for 0.6±0.2cm), 36(24.3%) patients had intervertebral disc protrusion and 27(18.3 %) patients had lateral intervertebral hernia (disc bulging for 0.55±0.1 5cm). Satisfactory and good results of laser vaporization are registered in 140(94%) patients with circular protrusion and median hernias with disc bulging up to 7–8mm. Also the decrease in VAS scores of pain syndrome by 2–5points in comparison with initial condition is found. Unsatisfactory results are registered in 9(6%) patients with lateral hernias of more than 5mm and with disease duration more than 6months. Prospective (from 3 to 13months) follow-up was conducted in 49patients. 5 patients from the group with lateral hernias needed open surgeries.

intervertebral disc herniation, osteochondrosis, laser vaporization, pain syndrome

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