The present article is devoted to informational and communicational (ICT) facilities having not only functionalities but also linguodidactical capabilities. The relation between ICT facilities and education informatization facilities has been depicted. Taking into account the specific features of multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia and virtual reality realization in modern foreign language (MFL) teaching we have revealed the functions of didactical capabilities in MFL teaching. Eleven linguodidactical capabilities of education informatization facilities have been defined. The deep theoretical analysis of linguodidactical capabilities considered regardless of the linguistic informational resource possessing them have been done. The characteristics of every linguodidactical capability of education informatization facilities within the continuous ICT progress have been given. The prospects for further investigations in the field of creating and using of linguodidactically effective education informatization facilities have been listed.
ICT, education informatization facilities, functional and didactical capabilities of ICT, MFLteaching, linguodidactical capabilities of education informatization facilities.
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