Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the peculiarities of functioning of the complex syntactic whole in the media text. Special attention is paid to the features of the complex syntactic whole as the implementation of the expanded expression and manifestation of the author’s ideas, which is neutralized in the objectified genres of journalism, but is transmitted through grammatical forms and categories of a closed group of sentences in the genres of the analytical subject-matter and contributes to the perception of the text by the recipient in accordance with the communicative intention of the addressor.

function, complex syntactic unite, media text, communicative intention.

Сложное синтаксическое целое (ССЦ) — многофункциональная языковая единица. Ее роль в организации текстов разных стилей, жанров, коммуникативной направленности еще предстоит исследовать. Но вопрос о ее роли в продуцировании (восприятии) медиатекста актуален как никогда.


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