Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Presented article is the result of study of the issues of legal regulation of forest exploitation in the Russian Federation made by the author. The work substantiates the position according to which the use of forests is a form of realization of the subjective rights of forest management. Forests are the main natural resources of Russia and of the world. Despite the fact that the forests are renewable natural resource, their protection from damage and destruction during use is one of the most important tasks of the forest law. The author concludes that taking into account features of object of legal regulation, in the process of implementation of right for the forest management responsibilities of the right holder are essential. The article also examines the main types of forest use envisaged by the forest legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as legal problems arising in the implementation of forest management by different actors of economic and other activities. The author analyzes a number of subordinate normative legal acts and court decisions to identify legal uncertainties and gaps in the forestry law.

forests, forest management, forest use, subjective right, billet of wood.

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