Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes and clarifies the concept of legal risk, and also contains the risk classification. The author has defined the special features of the constitutional-legal risks and has made a conclusion of their fundamental character. The author examines the key varieties of risks in the constitutional law — risks in the law-making and risks in law enforcement. The analysis of risks in legislative activities has taken a special place in a present study because of substantial nature such risks, which is related with the general problems of legal regulation. The risks arising from conducting of full and partial constitutional reform were also analyzed in the article in accordance with “circulation” of constitutional ideas and values. Institutional risks were mentioned as a particularly important risks. The author has made a few proposals to prevent, minimise and address risks in constitutional law. As a base of the study was used the legislation of Belarus, Russia and other foreign countries.

risk, constitutional law, Constitution, constitutional reform, foreign countries.

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