Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article sets the task to investigate the role of industrial parks in the development of small business in the regions of the country. Some urgent problems of small business have been studied to perform this task; the main measures are examined taken by the authorities at various levels to support and stimulate its development; specificity and the possibilities of industrial parks - the fast-growing segment of the real sector of the modern Russian economy – are shown. The study found that the use of the potential of industrial parks can have a stimulating effect on the creation and development of small business enterprises in the territory of the Federation. In particular, Institute of Industrial Parks has the beneficial effects on the development of small businesses through the use of the principle of complementarity, taking into account the interests and capacities of the public authorities, investors, industrial companies and management companies; objective aspirations of anchor residents to the establishment and development of cooperation ties, which can be realized in the form of providing the necessary assistance to small businesses in the creation of new enterprises, training and developing specific processes, rent or use of equipment, maintenance, counseling, legal aid, access to small businesses to sources of finance. The implementation of the identified opportunities to use the potential of industrial parks in promoting the development of small businesses should be entrusted with special project teams created by the executive bodies of the regions.

industrial park, small businesses, promotion

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