Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the problems and prospects of carrying out state youth policy in the Russian regions are considered. The main priorities of the development of state youth policy are generalized. The main strategic objectives, which solution is the cornerstone of formation of the youth subject in modern Russia, are listed. The author stops on an organizational legal mechanism of the development of state youth policy in the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. In the article the question of the mechanism formation of youth policy coordination is considered as at the federal as the subfederal levels. The attention is focused on problems of participation of the younger generation in realization of state youth policy at the regional level. The problems and factors constraining the development of youth potential as the full subject of youth policy are systematized. The prospects of the development of the mechanisms of state youth policy in the region are generalized. The role of youth public associations in the efficiency increase of the development and carrying out youth policy is reasoned, considering regional specifics. The author points to the fact that the youth organizations are urged to stimulate the development of youth potential on places. The conclusion is drawn that the realization of youth policy considering both interests of the youth and strategic reference points of the development of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, becomes a necessity, a key factor of the development of territories.

youth, state youth policy, state, regional policy, subjects of youth policy, youth associations, youth organizations, youth potential, state institutes in the sphere of youth policy

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