Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the theme of the article is based on considerable scientific and public interest in the issue of the effectiveness of the current electoral system in the Russian Federation. Since 1991, when the current system was replaced by the post-Soviet and underwent evolutionary changes, it has identified a number of undoubted advantages and significant drawbacks of systemic character. Socio-political discourse, aimed at the generalized reflection of received positive and negative experiences, inevitably comes to the issue of comprehensive comparative analysis of the different electoral systems in which the current electoral system is subjected to a comparative analysis of the electoral systems of foreign countries, especially those that occupy a dominant position in the modern world. In this context, the quality of the electoral system is perceived through the prism of efficiency when the quality of the system is determined not by its own a choice, but by the final results of this choice. In view of this, the study of the question of indirect election is not only of a purely theoretical value, but also, above all, of practical significance, since the study provides data for the evaluation possibilities of the practical implementation of the indirect election system, or some of its elements in the Russian Federation. The article studies the effectiveness of the application of the indirect election system in the Russian Federation, the possibility of full implementation of which is regarded as unlikely. The study concludes that the determining factor in assessing the effectiveness of this model is the Russian citizens’ opinion and the final results of this model, which will determine the prospects for the development of our political system in the framework of the civilized development in a global world.

elections, electoral process, political system of indirect elections, direct elections, indirect elections

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