In the article the actual problems of ensuring national interests of Russia in the conditions of Informatization of modern world politics are revealed. The authors emphasize the necessity of adequate reaction of the expert community and state administration on the issue of finding a balance between the interests of the state and civil society. It is proved that the distribution of electronic and communication technology influences the realization of the interests of individuals, society and the state. The article discusses such issues as the "digital divide" and the relationship of information and the spiritual sphere of national interests. It is determined that the contradictory results of policy informatization depend on the decisions and plans of the leading world powers. The conclusion is made about the mutual dependence of informational technological and informational psychological factors of ensuring the national interests, ensuring the formation of the new tools and technologies of the struggle for world domination. It is summed up that in the context of the information revolution close cooperation between state authorities, the network of civil associations and the expert community is required.
national and state interests, global politics, informatization, informational revolution, civil society, informational technology, national security
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