The article deals with the problems of political management of social and labor conflicts in crisis periods of the development of modern Russia. The urgency of this problem is due to the influence of such conflicts on the overall level of social and political tension. Based on a comparative analysis, some general and specific aspects of their regulation in the periods of crisis of 2008-2009 and 2014-2016, the forms of protest actions are revealed. Much attention is paid to the activities of state institutions in this area, to the study of their settings and management strategies. The author comes to the conclusion of the change in position of the state structures in such conflicts. There is its evolution from the dominant role of an arbitrator in large-scale conflicts between employees and employers to the role of a direct actor, whose actions contribute significantly to the formation of conflicts. This process is caused by such factors as the reduction of resources required to settle the conflict, the desire to localize the social and labor conflicts, and to prevent the increasing level of protest activity, including the application of more stringent policies, the introduction of new principles of social policy.
social and labor conflict, political management, crisis, protest, political stability
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