In the article the research is done about the study of the dynamics of the social structure of the Russian middle class. It examines the dynamics of the number of different social groups in Russia in 2003-2014, "blocking" features for the public, not a member of the middle class, 2003-2014, self-assessment of dynamics of 2014 and the possible dynamics for the next year of the financial position of the last year prior to the survey in the different groups of the population. Also, the analysis of the dynamics of value orientations of different population groups, social identity, the ways and the main types of activities in the middle class is done. The article compares the model of Russian social structure, built on the basis of the social self-assessments of their own status by Russians in 2014 and 2003 respectively.
stratification, middle class, social structure, dynamics, number of various social groups, kernel of middle class, self-assessment, financial position, valuable installations, identity of representatives of middle class, leisure, status in society
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