Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There were presented the findings of the research in energy saving and energy efficiency of public and residential buildings with the purpose of evaluating the energy saving potential on the basis of energy audit. There was demonstrated the nature of energy consumption and the evaluation figures of energy saving in state-financed sphere and housing sector of the country. On the basis of research and calculations of various specialists it was determined, that the highest potential of energy efficiency improvement belongs to the housing funds of the country. It was pointed out that capital repairs and reconstruction of the existing housing funds are the necessary condition of implementing the energy saving measures. The investment issues, their types and their attractiveness for energy saving measures and improving the energy efficiency are reflected.

energy efficiency, energy saving, housing funds, capital repairs, measures for energy efficiency improvement, normative legal base in the sphere of energy saving, energy saving potential, residential and public buildings, reconstruction, energy consumption, energy capacity, apartment buildings.

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