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Abstract (English):
The characteristics of materials for studying thermoregulation in thermoneutral zone of homoiotherms and human beings are given. The article contains information about the studies of heat transfer in the process of water evaporation in different volumes and on different surfaces by means of matrix infrared cameras with high-speed computer image capturing and image processing systems with software. The characterization of previous experimental and model tests on animals is presented. The provements of a prerequisite to the detachment of the nucleus and the membrane in organisms of human beings and homoiothermic animals are found. The article contains information about the mechanism which explains the way the thermal homeostasis at high and low environment temperatures in the issue of the nucleus is maintained within the thermoneutral zone due to dimentional changes of the nucleus and the membrane, not because of changes in energy-intensive processes of heat production and heat loss

thermal homeostasis, thermoregulation, thermoneutral zone, adaptation mechanisms, infrared cameras

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