Russian Federation
Russian Federation
There are presented the findings of analyzing the practice of providing the sustainable development of municipal structures of Belgorod region according to a sociologic survey. As it has been shown, the social and economical level of the region is on the rise. The highest premium is set on the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, improving the housing and construction sector. It was noted that the positive trends in the Belgorod region are observed due to the increase in private housing construction and its improvement. The region becomes more provided with hard-surface roads, more measures of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources are taken, the housing and utilities complex in the period under study was functioning sustainably and with the positive dynamics, which contributed considerably to the sustainable development of the region in general.
housing and utilities infrastructure, sustainable development, municipal structures, social and economic development level, private housing construction, new housing supply, engineering improvements, social infrastructure, housing properties, housing and utilities services, capital repairs.
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