Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The findings of the known research in the sphere of concretes and concrete mixes modification have been summarized and systematized; there have been also presented the findings of researching the influence of hydrophilic groups of superplasticizers on their plasticizing activity, which demonstrate that a superplasticizer’s plasticizing activity depends on their chemical structure, the superplasticizer’s adsorption on the disperse phase particles results in the increase of a suspension’s aggregative stability, which becomes marginal after the adsorption monomolecular layer formation. Due to this the aggregates are peptized to primary particles and the immobilized water is segregated. It has been shown that due to smaller molecular weight and higher hydrophility in comparison with sulfogroups the hydroxyl groups increase the plasticizing activity of superplasticizers. There have been presented the experimental data, which confirm that at a certain ratio of superplasticizer with sulfogroups and hydroxyl groups in a polyfunctional modifier (PFM) the synergism effect takes place, which is conditioned by the attraction interaction of molecules on the disperse phase particles’ surface. On the basis of the carried-out experimental research and the literature data analysis the statements about the required superplasticizers’ properties have been formulated.
concrete modifiers, polyfunctional modifiers, plasticizing activity, adsorption-active groups, ag-gregative stability, rheological properties, adsorption, peptization, monomolecular layer, electrokinetic potential, synergism effect.
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