Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The powder concrete technology important and little studied issue is the durability of products and constructions, and its prediction. Organic-curable compositions provide faster curing products as a result of their interaction in the presence of water, both among themselves and with the filler surface. An important characteristic of stone materials is their durability. Due to this property, the material can withstand the stable characteristics for a calculated time under certain operating conditions. Durability is associated with such properties of concrete as the strength, water resistance, salt resistance, fracture toughness, etc. Particularly vulnerable to the penetration of aggressive substances surrounding medium the contact area and the pore space of the artificial stone. The strength of the contact zone is determined by the properties of the hardening binder and aggregate surface (their chemical and structural affinity). To create a durable and reliable contact should be created a stable communication of components of the composite material. During operation have been investigated high-strength powder concrete formulations, structured organic mineral supplements that contain reactive fine fillers of different nature.

High-strength concrete, powder concrete, man-made materials, durability, corrosion resistance

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