The present work reveals the content of the principle of solidarity in civil relations. The principle of solidarity reflects interests of society and an individual as a single social system that allows one to form relationships between the members of society based on solidarity and not on individualism, when pursuing profit making and own interests the interests of both society and the contract partners are ignored. In case there are individualism and selfishness in society centrifugal forces operate, what pulls apart society into some (atomic) unit. But if there are the interests of solidarity then centripetal forces operate, that unites society, integrates the interests of the members of society and of the entire society. It allows reaching not only the balance of interests between the partners in the agreement, but also equilibrium and stability in society. Therefore, the principle of solidarity is of particular importance for the formation process of civil society.
social state, principle of solidarity, legal regulation, civil relations, corporate contract, civil society, competition, balance of interests.
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