Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article pays attention to the fact that as a rule violations of labours’ right protection are of mass proportions, but the labor legislation does not provide the possibility for collective defense. Features of the labours’ right protection predetermine the necessity for restoration of the rights of one employee to solve the question about other employees whose rights have been violated in the same way. Following this line of reasoning and taking into account the identified advantages of collective defense, there was substantiated the necessity of recognition of the collective right for protection in a case of simultaneous violations of the rights of a few (group) of employees by the same employer. In the article there were formulated the attribute which has to meet the group of employees for purposes of collective defense. Some peculiarities of realization of the collective right to protection were also analyzed in present article. Special attention was paid to the collective suspension of work and classaction lawsuit as measures of collective judicial protection.

labours’ right protection, labour dispute, collective protection, group of workers, selfdefense, litigation defense, class action.

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