Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the tendencies of development of economic territory of the Russian Federation, the role of regional policy in improving of its effectiveness. The focus is on the modern differentiation of space, the continuing trend of growth of large cities in the main socio-economic indicators of subjects, insufficient number of cities and regions where there is economic growth. The main trends and the role of regional policy in improving the economic space and achieve its strategic objectives are analyzed. One of the most important tasks of regional policy is to reduce the polarization in terms of socio-economic development between urban and rural areas and, as a consequence, reduce the role of rural and peripheral regions. The article emphasizes the role of the adopted strategy of sustainable development of rural territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 in the spatial development and infrastructure maintenance in accordance with the spatial planning and deployment of the productive forces. Among the variety of instruments improving the economic area the most important is an essential change of inter-budgetary relations between the regions and the federal center. The continued redistribution of income in favor of the Centre does not create even a prerequisite to stimulate the development of any initiative by the regions or by municipalities. As a result, it is noticed, that regional policy as a tool of transformation of Russian economic space at the moment, has not used its resources to reduce the polarization of the territory, reducing the disparities between cities on the one hand, and urban and rural graying, on the other.

regional policy, economic space, big cities, rural settlements, strategicplanning.

Данное исследование выполнено в рамках выполнения научно-исследовательской работы базовой части государственного задания в сфере научной деятельности Министерства образования и науки РФ на тему «Методология и информационно-аналитические средства решения проблем пространственного развития экономики России в условиях современных реформ» (номер государственной регистрации 114090970027).

Региональная политика как направление деятельности государства направлена на решение региональных проблем и уменьшение территориальных диспропорций в развитии страны. Решить региональные проблемы в большинстве случаев не представляется возможным, поскольку они вызваны объективными причинами — неравномерностью размещения природно-ресурсного потенциала, населения, разницей в уровне социально-экономического развития отдельных территорий, в этнической структуре населения, разницей в специализации хозяйства, финансовой обеспеченностью и т.д.


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