The article explores the problem of the social risks related with the economical instabiblity. The author treats the whole range of the theoretical and methodological issues such as specific character of the transitive economics, the features of the social conflicts and crises, the nature of the social risks, their kinds and typological characteristics, diagnostic application to the social risks in the society for the measuring of their prevalence. The author researches the social risks, analyzing the modes of conceptions of the social time and genesis of the conflicts, the features of and differences between the sanctions crisis and the financial and economical crises on the previous stages of development in the Russian economics. The article provides empirical evidence of the depth measurement of the social risks prevalence in the Russian society before the introduction of the antirussian sanctions by EU, it provides detailed description of the neuroticism risk. The article is written on the basis of the sociological research “Social Risks of the Financial and Economical Crises in the Russian Society (Government assignment No. 574п-П17, 2013. Project Manager – Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Prof. G. Sillaste).
transitivity, social risk, financial crisis, economic crisis, social crisis, sociological diagnostics, minimizing risk, social risk of neuroticism, ekonocide.
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