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Abstract (English):
One of important aspects of the general perception and assessment of the state is the impression which it makes on the target audience. In article the attempt to formulate author’s definition of a brand of the state has been made. The author studies the components making him for what the existing ratings of national brands have been considered. As a result of a research of this subject, the author comes to conclusion that in the conditions of modern society – “society of a dream” when brands rule the world, detailed studying of a brand of the state finds special value.

brand; image; trademark; brand of the state; national branding.

«Бренд — это доброе имя чего-либо, предлагаемого публике», — такое определение дает пионер национального брендинга Саймон Анхольт. Доброе имя обладает огромной ценностью, ведь оно способно привлечь внимание потребителей, выделяя ваш продукт среди тысяч других.


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