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Abstract (English):
Protection of foreign investment is the basis of modern international investment relations. At the level of state acts such protection primarily means the adoption of investment legislation, which is a manifestation of a state sovereignty and the related with it immunity from actions of other states. In the USA the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act was adopted in 1976. The law solves main legal problems: gives the definition of the term “foreign country”, establishes cases of the immunity and refusal to grant it, the procedural aspects of the proceedings on granting immunity. The complexity of the application of law leads to attempts to change it and to prohibit similar legal doctrines. Act as an expression of a unilateral will of the State may not always resolve the issues related to international cooperation. For regulation of state immunity was developed and opened for signature the UN Convention, which may become a fundamental international instrument in the field of State immunity.

state immunity, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, foreign investments, litigation, United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property.

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